Each year, we invite you to share your best nature photos of Wisconsin with us in our annual Photo Contest. It’s one of our favorite parts of the year, because we get to see all the wonders of Wisconsin that bring our members joy!

We are proud to announce this year’s winning entries. Prizes were awarded for First, Second, and Third Place photos across all submissions. Photos taken on NRF Field Trips were considered for a special Field Trip Photo Category. And, last but not least, our People’s Choice Award was chosen by popular vote among our members and followers. 

Enjoy these gorgeous captures! We sincerely thank everyone that submitted photos to our annual contest. We appreciate you letting us see our work through your lens. 

First Place

Goldfinch on Sumac

by Andy Raupp

Montello, WI

Second Place

Kingbird Chasing a Meal

by Curt Lundeen

Mequon, WI

Third Place

Fritillary on Thistle

by Daniel Schmitz

Harrington Beach State Park

Field Trip Selection

Trumpeter Swan Cygnet Banding

by Satiya Buell

Crex Meadows Wildlife Area, Burnett County

People’s Choice Award

Hummingbird in the Moonlight

by Owen, Lyn and Dan Boyle

Sauk City, WI

We couldn’t resist asking Owen, Lyn, and Dan how they found and photographed this moonlit hummingbird. Here’s what Owen had to say:

This photo was definitely a group effort. I was visiting with my parents who were house/dog sitting for relatives on a perfect summer evening when I noticed this male Ruby-throated Hummingbird land in a nearby shagbark hickory. The sun was setting and the full moon was rising, amazingly, right behind this little guy from our vantage point on the deck. He perched there for a good 20 minutes, long enough for my dad to grab his camera and tripod from the house, and for me to snap a dozen images. I’ve never seen a hummingbird sit still for so long, but it wasn’t his last stop of the night. As the light was fading, he buzzed off for wherever a hummingbird goes to spend the night. 

Congratulations to all our winning photographers! And thank you again to everyone who submitted photos. Keep your eyes peeled for your pictures and photo credits featured in Foundation publications and social media posts. And keep that camera at the ready, because our annual Photo Contest will return this fall!


Be sure to bring your camera on Field Trips each year, your photograph may be the winner of our next contest!

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