American martens, also known as pine martens, are the only endangered mammal in Wisconsin. Learn more about them and the work being done to help them in this guest blog by Siwoo Park.

American (pine) marten sitting on a log in a forest

An American Marten (aka pine marten) on a fallen tree in their favorite habitat: forest. Photo by Robert Haase

Wisconsin’s endangered American martens

Pine martens are recovering in Wisconsin after nearing extinction because of over-trapping and habitat loss. These furry, agile weasels are seeing a population upturn as environmental officials take steps to secure the pine forests they call home.

Pine martens, also known as American martens, are nocturnal weasels that are excellent climbers. Agile, fast, and small, females are 18-22 inches and stand almost six inches high, about three-fourths the size of the male. Females weigh about two pounds, and males can weigh up to three pounds.

Pine martens have soft, thick, and dense fur, perfect for the cold Wisconsin winters. They are yellow to reddish-brown and have bushy tails that extend the length of one-third of their bodies.

An American marten in the snow

An American marten’s dense fur proves useful during Wisconsin’s snowy winters. Photo by Jillian Cooper

Pine martens mate between July and August. Female martens give birth to two to four babies called kits. Young martens leave to find their territories after three to five months of care. Pine martens cover a lot of land and hunt in their area. Males cover more land than females and hate when other males are around their territory.

Pine martens are omnivores that feast on small rodents, birds, bird eggs, insects, fruits, and nuts. They have a high metabolism and need much food to sustain their energy.

Hope for American Martens

Pine martens are endangered in Wisconsin due to poaching, and their environment is becoming scarce. Their endangerment was worse in the 1920s. However, conservation groups have been trying to save this species from extinction by protecting forests like Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, and the marten population has grown since their efforts.

In 2010, surprising news came from the Apostle Islands: martens lived in that area. The Apostle Islands, known for their rugged shores, sea caves, and old-growth forests, have become homes to these tiny creatures. After rediscovering pine martens in the Apostle Islands, it became an important area for researchers to study.

The pine martens’ return gave hope to their admirers and their researchers. Despite their resurgence, there has been little contact with these fluffy creatures. Occasional sightings have sparked hope in many researchers. Though their population is small, with enough awareness and effort, they will come back!

An American marten peeks through tree branches

 The illusive American marten is rarely seen in northern Wisconsin, and further study is needed. Photo by Jillian Cooper

Guest blogger

Guest blogger

Siwoo Park

Student Journalist, age 12

Siwoo Park is a student at Blessed Sacrament Middle School in Madison, Wisconsin. She is a staff writer and science reporter at Simpson Street Free Press.

NRF’s work with the American Marten

The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin has supported conservation of the American Marten, including distribution surveys, analysis of potential habitat, and the reintroduction of martens into northern Wisconsin in 2009-2010.