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Great Wisconsin Birdathon

Registration is now open!

Thank you for helping us reach our goal of $125,000 to support Wisconsin’s birds!

How it works

The Great Wisconsin Birdathon is Wisconsin’s largest fundraiser for bird conservation. It’s like a walk-a-thon style fundraiser, but instead of logging miles, our participants are logging bird sightings! Each year, bird enthusiasts from across the state raise support and awareness for bird conservation by forming a team or donating to a team.

Birdathon teams can participate any day from April 15th to June 15th, and donations are accepted from March 15th to June 30th. Participation is free and all skill levels are welcome to join.

How, when, and where you bird is up to you. While most teams choose to compete over a 24-hour period, many teams opt to bird over the course of a weekend, a week, or even the entirety of the Birdathon! Teams can bird anywhere in Wisconsin — a backyard, a local park, or a route to hit all their favorite birding hot spots. Both novice and expert birders can have fun and make a difference in protecting birds — the Birdathon is for everyone!

NRF's Great Wisconsin Birdathon logo

We’re out to #BringBirdsBack

The Great Wisconsin Birdathon began in 2012 and since then has raised more than $1 million for bird protection in Wisconsin.

The funds are collected and managed by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin through the Bird Protection Fund.

Projects supported by the Bird Protection Fund include conservation of Wisconsin’s most threatened and endangered bird species; creation and protection of critical breeding, stopover, and overwintering habitat; research and monitoring; and education and outreach.

a red-headed woodpecker perched on a branch

The Birdathon’s 2025 #BirdOfTheYear, the red-headed woodpecker, perched on a tree branch. Photo by Eric Preston

graphic of red-headed woodpecker with an acorn in it's beak, a black hoodie with the same graphic printed on it and a grey t-shirt with same graphic printed on it and text that reads 2025 Great Wisconsin Birdathon

Go birding in style with our Bird of the Year merch

In last year’s survey, participants voted for our 2025 Bird of the Year. We’re excited to announce the crowd favorite is the red-headed woodpecker! Past Birdathon proceeds have supported this species of special concern in Wisconsin through funding restoration and management initiatives of their woodland habitat. Show your support for the red-headed woodpecker by ordering a t-shirt from our online store.

Thanks to local artist Brooke Weiland of Studio Equinox for designing our 2025 design! Brooke is a Birdathoner herself and also designed our past Bobolink, Kirtland’s warbler, piping plover, whooping crane, and Connecticut warbler designs.

Thank you to our 2025 Great Wisconsin Birdathon sponsors!

2024 Birdathon sponsor logos

2024 Birdathon by the Numbers



Dollars raised

Birders participated statewide

Species of bird found

Stories from the Great Wisconsin Birdathon

2024 Birdathon Report and Bird Protection Fund grants

2024 Birdathon Report and Bird Protection Fund grants

This year’s Great Wisconsin Birdathon saw more than 600 birders come together to raise $117,846 to protect Wisconsin’s birds. These donations support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Bird Protection Fund, which supports Wisconsin’s highest-priority bird conservation projects.

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Naomi Hadley

Naomi Hadley

Donor Relations Coordinator

(608) 409-3144

Naomi Hadley (she/her) helps promote increased awareness, affinity, and philanthropic support for NRF through engaging events, like the Great Wisconsin Birdathon, and activities that promote a culture of gratitude and continued donor engagement.

Banner photo by Caitlyn Schuchhardt