(Un)Lovable Wisconsin Wildlife
Here’s some of the most lovable “unlovable” Wisconsin wildlife, in honor of Valentine’s Day. These stereotypical “pests” are so much more.
Read MoreHere’s some of the most lovable “unlovable” Wisconsin wildlife, in honor of Valentine’s Day. These stereotypical “pests” are so much more.
Read MoreThe holidays are a wonderful time of giving and sharing, but sometimes it can be hard to do everything we want within our budgets. The following are seven ways you can support your favorite non-profit cause just by opening your heart (and not your wallet!).
Read MoreThe Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin is proud to announce our recent partnership with the Monarch Joint Venture (MJV), a collaborative effort with more than 50 partners including government agencies, universities, and nonprofit organizations working to conserve, protect, and promote the monarch and its habitat throughout the country. The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is arguably […]
Read MoreBy Ruth Oppedahl, Natural Resources Foundation This article was originally published in the Winter 2015 edition of Bridges, the member newsletter of the Natural Resources Foundation. When my mother turned 50 years old, she joined a group of women who were training to hike the Grand Canyon. She filled my brother’s Boy Scout backpack—a heavy […]
Read MoreDuring her travels, Ruth would turn on the GoPro video at the front her kayak for a few minutes everyday. We strung that video together, put some music to it and invite you to witness all of the beauty Ruth encountered on her adventure.
Read MoreListen to Ruth tell the story of her last day on the Wisconsin River: Day XVIII transcribed: Last day of the I Heart Wisconsin River Trip. I woke up this morning to the sound of birds flying overhead. I was completely socked in by the fog. I couldn’t even see the edge of the water […]
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