Current Endowment Funds
The Wisconsin Conservation Endowment is made up of 124 endowment funds (36 agency, 59 designated, 15 donor advised, and 14 field of interest), with total assets of more than $10 million.
Frequently-asked questions
Follow the link below for answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have further questions, please contact our executive director, David Clutter (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Give to an existing endowment fund
Enter the name of the existing endowment fund you wish to support when you donate online, or in the memo line if giving by check.
Agency Funds
An Agency Fund is created by a qualified tax-exempt organization to support the organization’s operations and programs.
1. Access Ability Wisconsin – Outdoors Access 4 All! Fund – A fund created to facilitate and provide the means for individuals with mobility challenges to access and enjoy Wisconsin’s natural resources, and to provide recreational opportunities for physically challenged people, including wheelchair users, who want to enjoy the Wisconsin outdoors (2020).
2. American Bird Conservancy Kirtland’s Warbler Fund – A fund established by the American Bird Conservancy to support the conservation of the Kirtland’s Warbler. (2021).
3. Botanical Club of Wisconsin Fund – A fund created by the Botanical Club of Wisconsin to benefit charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of the Club, including but not limited to: scholarships/grants/awards to university students; scientific, conservation, or restoration projects; and workshops (2011).
4. Cedar Grove Ornithological Research Station Fund – A fund created to support raptor research at Cedar Grove Ornithological Research Station and secondary purpose of supporting bird and raptor conservation in Wisconsin (2008).
5. Cedarburg Bog Stewardship Fund – A fund created by the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog to support the efforts of their organization, which is dedicated to preserving and nurturing the area known as Cedarburg Bog (2013).
6. Dane County Conservation League Fund – A fund created by the Dane County Conservation League to support the efforts of their organization (2007).
7. Dane County Conservation League Prairie Chicken Fund – A fund created by the Dane County Conservation League that supports conservation efforts of the prairie chicken in central Wisconsin (2007).
8. Devil’s Lake State Park Endowment – A fund created by the Friends of Devil’s Lake State Park to support the Friend’s group work at Devil’s Lake State Park (2010).
9. The Dorothy Rose Baker Endowment Supporting North Lakeland Discovery Center Citizen Science – A fund with the North Lakeland Discovery Center Agency Fund established to support citizen science programs at North Lakeland Discovery Center (2021).
10. Frank Hornberg Chapter -Trout Unlimited Fund – A fund created by the Frank Hornberg Chapter of Trout Unlimited to support their work to enhance, restore and maintain the cold water resource and trout habitat (2011).
11. Friends of Dodge County Parks Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Dodge County Parks to protect and enhance the quality of life in Dodge County by preserving, protecting and promoting natural resources, parks, trails and other County recreational resources (2010).
12. Friends of Governor Dodge State Park Equestrian Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Governor Dodge State Park to support and provide funding for the equestrian facilities at Governor Dodge State Park (2020).
13. Friends of Havenwoods State Forest Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Havenwoods to support the efforts of their organization, which is dedicated to developing and preserving Havenwoods State Forest (2012).
14. Friends of Horicon Marsh International Education Center Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Horicon Marsh International Education Center to support the organization’s mission of assisting the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with interpretive, scientific, historical, educational, and related visitor services at Horicon Marsh and International Education Center (2010).
15. Friends of Kohler-Andrae Fund – An agency fund created by the Friends of Kohler-Andrae State Park to support the Friend’s group’s work at Kohler-Andrae State Park (2010).
16. Friends of Pike Lake Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Pike Lake to support the efforts of the Friends of Pike Lake and the Pike Lake Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest (2010).
17. Friends of Wisconsin State Parks Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks to support their mission and operations (2008).
18. Friends of Wyalusing State Park Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Wyalusing State Park to support the natural resources and educational, interpretive and recreational needs of Wyalusing State Park (2009).
19. Golden Sands RC&D ‘Conservation That Works!’ Fund – A fund created by the Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council to support the charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council (2018).
20. Governor Dodge State Park Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Friends group to support the recreational, educational and environmental stewardship needs at Governor Dodge State Park (2009).
21. Important Bird Areas Fund – A fund created by the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology in support of Important Bird Areas statewide (2007).
22. Joe Ilg Sr. & Joe Ilg Jr. Education Endowment Fund – A fund within the North Lakeland Discovery Center Agency Fund to support education programs at North Lakeland Discovery Center (2020).
23. Kettle Moraine Natural History Association Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Kettle Moraine Natural History Association to support management of the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest (2011).
24. Landmark Conservancy Stewardship Fund – A fund created to support the Landmark Conservancy’s easement stewardship program (2011).
25. Lake Michigan Bird Observatory Fund – A fund created by the Lake Michigan Bird Observatory in support of the charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of the organization (2016).
26. North Lakeland Discovery Center Endowment Fund – A fund created to support the charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of North Lakeland Discovery Center in the state of Wisconsin and in areas outside Wisconsin abutting the North Lakeland region of Wisconsin (2020).
27. Outdoor Heritage Education Center Fund – A fund established to support the Outdoor Heritage Education Center’s mission to pass along our outdoor heritage to future generations (2021).
28. Ozaukee Washington Land Trust Stewardship Fund – A fund created by the Ozaukee Washington Land Trust to support the mission of the organization (2007).
29. River Alliance Steady Currents Fund – A fund created by the River Alliance of Wisconsin to support the mission of the organization (2008).
30. Sam Robbins Shorebird Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology in support of the charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of organization (2013).
31. Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance – Fair Meadows State Natural Area Fund – A fund created to support Fair Meadows State Natural Area and natural areas in the Southeast Glacial Plains Region of Wisconsin (2023).
32. The Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance Sanctuaries Fund – A fund created by the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance to restore and manage Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance protected lands in south-central Wisconsin (2016).
33. Southern Wisconsin Chapter, Trout Unlimited Coldwater Conservation Fund – A fund created by the Southern Wisconsin Chapter, Trout Unlimited to support the conservation, protection, and restoration of trout and/or salmon fisheries and their watersheds (2018).
34. The Tom & Barbara Olson Endowment in Support of North Lakeland Discovery Center Nature Education – A fund within the North Lakeland Discovery Center Agency Fund established to support North Lakeland Discovery Center’s nature education programming (2021).
35. Wisconsin State Council of Trout Unlimited Fund – A fund created by Wisconsin Trout Unlimited to be used for cold water conservation within the state of Wisconsin (2024).
36. Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust Fund – A fund to be used for land management activities including but not limited to: easement monitoring and enforcement; invasive species control including chemical applications, burning, and mowing; seeding and planting native species; scientific monitoring and research; site alterations to promote desired hydrology; and other activities necessary to provide for high quality wetland, stream, habitat, or other natural communities (2021).
Designated Funds
Designated Funds are created by individual(s) or an organization to support a specific conservation purpose designated by the donor.
1. Anonymous Fund – An estate fund created by anonymous donors to support natural resources and wildlife conservation in Wisconsin (2015).
2. Birds of Wisconsin Legacy Fund – A fund created to augment the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Bird Protection Fund to support the highest priority bird conservation projects for Wisconsin’s Birds (2019).
3. Brule River & Forest Conservation Fund – A fund created by the Friends of Brule River & Forest to support State Natural Areas within the Brule River State Forest (2010).
4. Camp Rita Doris Conservation Fund – A fund created in memory of Rita Kremer & Frank & Mercedes Tenorio by their family to support conservation efforts in the Northern Forests in Vilas County, with a focus on loon, eagle, and osprey conservation efforts (2007).
5. Candye Andrus and Carol Giltz Bird Legacy Fund – A fund to help support the highest priority conservation needs for Wisconsin’s birds throughout their lifecycle (2024).
6. Charles A. & Ida C. Sanders Northwoods Memorial Fund – A fund created by Luida Sanders in memory of her parents, to support the Northwoods Land Trust (2010).
7. Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund – A fund to support habitat improvement, maintenance, and restoration on state-owned and managed lands: State Natural Areas, State Wildlife Areas, State Fishing Areas, and State Parks (2013).
8. Cherokee Marsh Conservation Fund — A fund created by the Friends of Cherokee Marsh for the management, protection, conservation, restoration and appreciation of Cherokee Marsh and watershed (2013).
9. Chuck & Linda Pils Fund – An estate endowment created by Chuck and Linda Pils to support the conservation of American martens, badgers, bats, reptiles, amphibians, and mussels.
10. Connie & Peter Roop Fund – A fund created by Peter and Constance Roop to support the conservation of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, in addition to supporting the Foundation’s Field Trip program and the conservation of prairie and wetland areas in Wisconsin (2012).
11. Daniel F. Brown & G. Donald Barnes Flambeau River State Forest Fund – A fund created by Jacob Barnes in honor of his father, G. Donald, and close friend, Daniel, with the purpose of supporting the beautification, protection, enhancement and management the Flambeau River State Forest (2008).
12. David and Joyce Weizenicker Endowment Fund for State Parks – A fund created by former State Park Director David Weizenicker and his wife Joyce to support projects that facilitate accessibility for senior citizens at Wisconsin State Parks (2010).
13. DNR Chiwaukee Prairie Endowment Fund – A fund created by the Wisconsin Chapter of The Nature Conservancy to support the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources management of lands within the boundaries of Chiwaukee Prairie State Natural Area (2015).
14. DNR Quincy Bluff and Wetlands Fund – A fund created by the Wisconsin Chapter of The Nature Conservancy to support the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources management of lands within the boundaries of the Quincy Bluff and Wetlands State Natural Area (2013).
15. Donald W. and Elizabeth J. Tills Southeastern Wisconsin Conservation Designated Fund – A fund dedicated to enhancing and protecting fish and wildlife habitat and reestablishing and enhancing prairies in the Southeastern Wisconsin Counties of Waukesha, Milwaukee, Washington, Ozaukee, Racine, Kenosha, and Walworth (2019).
16. Elward J. Engle Bass Lake Fen Endowment Fund – A fund established by Richard Merten to support the care, management, and restoration of Bass Lake Fen State Natural Area in Waushara County (2020).
17. Evergreen Fund – A fund created by donors to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin to be used at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors (2016).
18. Field Trips Forever Fund – A fund created by Sandra Raby to support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Field Trip program, to educate the people of Wisconsin about the importance of conserving and protecting wildlife and land for future generations (2016).
19. Four Oaks Farm Fund – A fund created to provide support for the care, management, and restoration of a privately-owned property located in the Town of New Glarus, Green County, Wisconsin (2022).
20. George and Linda Albright Fund – A fund created by George & Linda Albright to support the Foundation’s C.D. Besadny Conservation Grant Program and the Foundation’s general operating fund (2019).
21. Helen G. Ritter State Natural Areas Fund – A fund created by the estate of Helen Ritter for the management, protection, and restoration of four Wisconsin State Natural Areas: Parfrey’s Glen, Caroline Lake, Cassville Bluffs and Pewit’s Nest (2014).
22. Indian Hill Conservancy Fund – A fund created by Michael Samuels and Nancy Thomas to provide support for the care, management, and restoration of Indian Hill Conservancy, in the Town of Perry, pursuant to the property’s land management plan. The secondary purpose of the fund is to support the care, management, and restoration of public lands or private lands held under conservation easement by Driftless Area Land Conservancy in Dane, Iowa, and Green Counties (2021).
23. Janet and Steve Wissink Hartman Creek State Park Fund – A fund created to support the educational programming; habitat restoration; and maintenance and improvements in campgrounds, at amphitheater, canoe and kayak launches, and on hiking, XC skiing and snowshoeing trails, including directional and educational signage, at Hartman Creek State Park.
24. Jefferson County Parks Endowment – A fund dedicated to supporting the Jefferson County Parks Departments mission to development, improvement, and enhance recreational opportunities across all its Parks and Trails (2011).
25. Jim McEvoy & Bonnie Robinson Endangered Resources & Forestry Fund – A fund created by Jim McEvoy & Bonnie Robinson to support endangered plants, animals and habitats throughout Wisconsin as determined by the Foundation in consultation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and other expert conservation partners, as well as forestry practices/initiatives that support the ecological health of Wisconsin’s forest ecosystems (2023).
26. Jonathan Pell Ela Fund for Baileys Harbor Boreal Forest State Natural Area – A fund created by Patricia Stocking to support natural area management and restoration of the Jonathan P. Ela Unit, Baileys Harbor Boreal Forest & Wetland State Natural Area, with a secondary purpose of maintaining the signage and the monument recognizing Jonathan Ela’s commitment to the conservation of Wisconsin’s natural heritage for future generations (2017).
27. Koshkonong Corners SNA Fund – A fund created by John Van Altena and Connie Brouillette to support Koshkonong Corners State Natural Area, and lands containing prairie white-fringed orchid (2007).
28. Lorin & Maureen Hamel Family Fund – An endowment created by Lorin and Maureen Hamel to support the acquisition, development, and improvement of public lands for non-motorized use in Wisconsin, including canoe landings, trails, and campsites.
29. Louis’ Bluff Endowment Fund – A fund created by Frank and Mariana Weinhold to protect and manage Louis’ Bluff, a privately-owned property in Juneau County under permanent conservation easement, with a secondary purpose of supporting State Natural Areas along the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (2015).
30. Lower Chippewa River Basin Conservation Fund – A fund created by the Dunn County Fish & Game Association to support the Lower Chippewa River Basin (2010).
31. Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Fund – A fund created by Paul Brandt to support the management of wildlife habitat on public lands along the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway (2006).
32. Love Lake & Sigurd Olson Memorial Forest Endowment Fund – A fund that supports payment of property taxes and management of lands held by the Landmark Conservancy in the Sigurd Olson Memorial Forest (2014).
33. Marilyn Deutsch Hampton Wildlife Rehabilitation Fund – An estate endowment created by Marilyn Deutsch Hampton to support the Raptor Education Group Inc.’s wildlife rehabilitation efforts (2014).
34. Mecan Prairie Fund – A fund created to provide support for the care, management, and restoration of a privately-owned property located in the Township of Richford, Waushara County, Wisconsin (2018).
35. Mecan River Watershed Fund – A fund created to support the management and conservation of the Mecan River Watershed (2022).
36. Nancy K. Ruhlow and Barbara E. Schweig Fund – A fund created to support the acquisition and expansion of public lands or private lands held under conservation easement in Northwest Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s ecological landscapes of: Forest Transition, North Central Forest, Northern Highlands, Northwest Lowlands, Northwest Sands, and the Superior Coastal Plain (2021).
37. Patricia & Lyman Anderson Family Farm Endowment – A fund created by Patricia Anderson to support the development and management of a Dane County Park on the Anderson farm (2009).
38. Rare Earth Farm Conservation Easement Fund – A fund created by the Bauer/Beckwith Joint Revocable Trust to provide support for the conservation, care, management, and restoration of a privately owned property located in Green County, Wisconsin (2023).
39. Reynold Zeller Fund – A fund created by the estate of Reynold Zeller and memorial gifts from friends and family to support State Natural Areas and other public lands in Green County, Wisconsin (2005).
40. Robert & Nancy Rudd Conservation Fund – A fund created by Robert and Nancy Rudd to provide financial support for conservation, natural resources management, and land acquisition needs in Green County (2016).
41. Robert H. Halpin Family Endowment Fund – A fund created by Robert H. and Cathy Halpin to support the natural resources and educational, interpretive and recreational needs of Hartman Creek State Park (2011).
42. Steven W. Miller Legacy Fund – A fund created in memory of Steven W. Miller to support public properties in Wisconsin that Steve Miller helped purchase, develop, restore, and manage in his lifetime as a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employee (2016).
43. The Czajkowski Oak Savanna Stewardship Fund – A fund created to provide support for the care, management, and restoration of a privately-owned property located in Crawford County, Wisconsin (2022).
44. Timothy G. Minter Conservation & Environmental Education Fund for Wisconsin’s Northwoods – A fund created to provide support, education, and conservation for in the Northwoods (North Central Forest) of Wisconsin (2023).
45. Tomahawk Public Library Natural Resources Education Fund – A fund established by David and Joyce Weizenicker for the purpose of supporting the natural resources education mission of the Tomahawk Public Library (2013).
46. Trees for the Future in Jefferson County Parks Fund – A fund created by John and Ann Molinaro for the purpose of supporting tree planting in the Jefferson County Parks System (2011).
47. Trewartha Bobolink Hill Farm Fund – A fund created by Mary Trewartha to primarily support the care, management, and restoration of the Trewartha Bobolink Hill Farm, and secondarily, to support the Prairie Enthusiast’s Mounds View Grassland Preserve in Iowa County, Wisconsin. (2016)
48. Upper Sugar River Watershed Fund – A fund created by Bill and Lisa Keen to support the work and mission of the Upper Sugar River Watershed Association (2008).
49. West Dane Conservancy Fund – A fund created by Kristine Euclide and Douglas Steege to protect and manage private property in western Dane County under permanent conservation easement (2012).
50. Western Coulee Region State Natural Areas Management Endowment Fund – A fund created by anonymous donors to support on-the-ground management activities of State Natural Areas in the Western Coulee Region of Wisconsin (2016).
51. William Floyd Cairns Birds of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway Conservation Fund – A fund created by William Cairns to conserve the Wisconsin bird species within the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (2020).
52. Willow Valley Conservation Fund – An estate endowment created by Philip and Dale Grimm to support the management of the Grimm family property, on which there exists a conservation easement.
53. Wisconsin Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Fund – A fund created by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin to provide critical financial support to partner organizations that conduct projects focused on conservation, education, research, and monitoring to ensure that these Wisconsin wildlife species and their habitat are protected now and for future generations (2017).
54. Wisconsin Bird Conservation and Research Fund – An estate endowment created by Martha Kronholm to preserve bird habitat in central and northern Wisconsin for species at risk, and to support research of declining bird species in central and northern Wisconsin (2017).
55. Wisconsin Invasive Plants Response Fund – A fund created by Kelly Kearns to support the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ and the Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin’s efforts controlling prohibited and other early detection plant species in Wisconsin (2021).
56. Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Fund – A fund created by Charles Luthin to meet Wisconsin’s highest priority conservation needs with a focus on biodiversity preservation, as determined by the Foundation and its conservation partners, on public lands and waters, or on private land held under conservation easement, with an emphasis on strengthening natural communities’ resiliency to climate change (2021).
57. Wisconsin Pollinator Protection Endowment Fund – A fund created by anonymous donors to support native pollinator conservation efforts in Wisconsin (2019).
58. Wisconsin Rare Plant Preservation Fund – A fund established by Dr. Jim Bennett to support the restoration, monitoring, inventorying and preservation of rare plant species (2023).
59. Wisconsin’s Climate Response Fund – A fund created by Ed & Patty Neumueller to provide support for priority projects and programs that respond to climate impact conservation and education needs in Wisconsin (2019).
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds are created by donors who want to advise the Foundation on which conservation projects should be supported through the fund on an annual basis.
1. Hughes Jeffords Chippewa Flowage Conservation Fund – A fund created by Chris and Patricia Jeffords for the purpose of preserving, protecting and enhancing the Chippewa Flowage (2007).
2. James J. Schwabe Fund – A fund created by Beverly Schwabe in memory of her husband to support State Natural Areas protection and management (2005).
3. John & Marlen Kaiser Conservation Fund – A fund created by John & Marlen Kaiser to support the conservation efforts of the Foundation (2012).
4. LaBarbera-Vaughn Outdoor Heritage Education Fund – A fund created by Mark and Coni LaBarbera to increase the public’s understanding, appreciation, and sense of stewardship for natural resources, America’s outdoor heritage, and professional resource management including related activities like fishing, hunting and other outdoor sports in Wisconsin (2015).
5. Norma & Stanley DeBoer Quiet Trails Fund – A fund created by Neal & Carla Butenhoff in memory of her parents to support non-motorized trails on public lands (2005).
6. Paul & Alice Olson Memorial Fund – A fund created by Thomas Olson, James Olson, Pauline Langsdorf, and Karen Sullivan in memory of their parents to support conservation education in Dane County, and prairie chicken conservation (2009).
7. Peggie Post Mallery Wisconsin Conservation Fund – A fund created in honor of Peggie Mallery, a former Natural Resources Foundation board member, in support of the conservation of public lands, waters, and wildlife in Wisconsin (2017).
8. Robert M. Jostes Wisconsin State Natural Areas Conservation Fund – A fund created by Robert Jostes to support State Natural Areas (2005).
9. Sally R. Luthin Memorial Fund – A fund created by the Luthin family in memory of Sally Luthin to support general conservation work (2006).
10. Teachers’ Outdoor Environmental Education Fund – A fund created by Pete Ostlind in memory of his wife, Sue Spaeth, to support outdoor environmental education projects with K-12 public school children in Wisconsin (2009).
11. The Wisconsin Bird Fund – A Legacy Fund of the Society of Tympanuchus Cupido Pinnatus, a fund created to provide funding for education, habitat restoration and research programs and projects that protect and conserve birds that breed, migrate, or winter in Wisconsin (2015).
12. Turtle Flambeau Scenic Waters Area Fund – A fund created by an anonymous donor to support the management and protection of the Turtle Flambeau Scenic Waters Area (2006).
13. Wisconsin Bat Conservation Fund – A fund created by David Redell and Lisa Wilson to support bat conservation (2009).
14. Wisconsin Environmental Education Fund – A fund created by the Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation to support the strategic advancement of environmental education priorities throughout the state of Wisconsin (2017).
15. Wisconsin Water Protection Fund – A fund established by James & Mary Hlaban to support organizations working to protect water in Wisconsin (2017).
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds are created by individual(s) or an organization to support the Foundation’s priority conservation programs including lands and waters, wildlife, and environmental education.
1. Anita R. Peterson Boyer Protects our Birds, Butterflies & Bees Fund – A fund created by Beth Fryk to support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s priority conservation programs, specifically bird, bee, and butterfly conservation (2021).
2. C.D. Besadny Conservation Fund – A fund created by the Natural Resources Foundation to provide small, match grants for grassroots conservation efforts (1989).
3. Catherine Genovese Natural Areas Fund – A fund created in honor of Catherine Genovese by an anonymous couple in support of general conservation needs (2008).
4. Dale Druckrey Conservation Fund – A fund created for the purpose of supporting the mission and programs of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin (2011).
5. Hussin Family Natural Areas Fund – A fund created by Gerry and Barbara Hussin to support the management, protection, restoration and appreciation of State Natural Areas (2007).
6. Jane and Jack Edson Family Conservation Fund – A fund created by Jane Edson for general conservation purposes as identified by the Foundation (2010).
7. Jim & Sharel Hubing Conservation Fund – A fund created by Jim & Sharel Hubing to support the mission and programs of the Natural Resources Foundation (2010).
8. Heilman Family State Natural Areas Fund – An estate endowment created by Pamela and Craig Heilman to restore, protect, and manage the State Natural Areas of Wisconsin.
9. Mary & John Koeppe Education Fund – An estate endowment created by Mary and John Koeppe to support conservation education programs including Wisconsin Master Naturalist, Citizen Based Monitoring, and Natural Resources Foundation field trips.
10. Nina Binkley Endowment Fund for Wisconsin State Parks & Natural Areas – A fund created by Lee Binkley in memory of his wife to support Wisconsin State Parks and the management, protection, restoration, and appreciation of State Natural Areas throughout Wisconsin (2013).
11. Richard & Mary Kathryn Ring Conservation Fund – A fund created by Mary Kathryn Ring to support general conservation needs in Wisconsin (2010).
12. SanDretto Family Natural Areas Fund – A fund created by Michael & Erica SanDretto to support State Natural Areas in the Great Lakes Coastal, Northern Forests, and Western Coulee regions of Wisconsin (2010).
13. Sarah Besadny Birds, Bats, and Bugs Conservation Fund – A fund created by Sarah Besadny to be used for the primary purpose of supporting the Foundation’s priority conservation programs, specifically bird, bat, and pollinator conservation (2021).
14. Susan D. Mischler Land & Waters Fund – A fund created by Susan D. Mischler to support the Foundation’s priority land and waters conservation programs (2019).
Spend Down Funds
A spend down fund is a non-endowed fund created to provide outright support to conservation projects in Wisconsin.
1. Adam Birding Conservancy Fund – A fund created to support the conservation land within the Adam Birding Conservancy that supports healthy wildlife and plant communities, and provides enjoyment and education of people of all ages and interests with a special focus on collaboration with students from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and youth from the Walworth and Jefferson County areas (2017).
2. Bass Lake Fen Habitat Restoration Fund – A fund created by Richard Merten for the purpose of supporting the conservation, restoration, and management of Bass Lake Fen State Natural Area (2021).
3. Harold Ramon Cram, Jr. Bluebird Restoration Fund – A fund created by Beverly Cram and Cathy Cram to support the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (2016).
4. Patty Anderson Working Fund – A fund created by Patricia Anderson to support the development and implementation of a master plan for the original Anderson farm acquired by Dane County, located in the town of Oregon (2006).
5. Paul & Alice Olson Environmental Legacy Fund – A fund created by Pauline Langsdorf, James Olson, Thomas Olson, and Karen Sullivan to support conservation education in and near Dane County and prairie chicken conservation (2018).
6. Wisconsin Pollinator Protection Fund – A fund created by anonymous donors to support native pollinator conservation efforts in Wisconsin (2019).

David Clutter
Executive Director
(608) 409-3120
With staff, board and NRF members, David Clutter (he/him) helps build an inspiring vision to create a vibrant, durable and highly effective Foundation that provides critically needed funding to support Wisconsin's lands, waters, and wildlife. David is responsible for overseeing the administration, strategic direction, and impact of the Foundation.